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ben kanute2

Winning the Race in Real Estate: Lessons From Olympic Triathlete Ben Kanute

Racing. We do it every single day in real estate. We're on the clock, and our performance is measured in time, accuracy, confidentiality and delivering exceptional customer service. 
Guest: Ben Kanute

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The Tragic Story That Every Real Estate Professional Needs to Hear

In this emotional and poignant episode of FNF Unplugged, Beverly's son Carl Carter, Jr recounts the events of his mother's last day, and what the Beverly Carter Foundation is doing to protect the lives of real estate professionals today.
Guest: Carl Carter, Jr.

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The Athletics of Business with Ed Molitor: Empowering Your Team to Achieve Success

There are many parallels between business & athletics, but they don't often translate for those who didn't participate in competitive sports.
Guest: Ed Molitor
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