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Market Update

ICE Research Guru Andy Walden Offers an Optimistic Forecast for 2024

Recent Fed news has relaxed mortgage rates and while there's still a ways to go, ANY positive signs for the real estate market is welcome news as we close out a challenging year. In this year-end download, FNF's Chuck Cain welcomes ICE VP of Enterprise Research Strategy Andy Walden, who delivers an upbeat assessment.
Guest: Andy Walden


Aftershocks for the Real Estate Profession as the Missouri Verdict Rocks the Industry

The dust hasn't settled, and likely won't for several years, but one thing appears to be certain: The real estate industry as we know is about to change dramatically, particularly for buyers agents. 
Guest: Arthur Sterbcow


andy walden2

The Housing Market's Cloudy Crystal Ball: Black Knight's Andy Walden Offers Clarity

Mortgage rates remain elevated and inventory is severely constricted in most markets. The good news is the job market is strong, and it appears if a recession does hit, it'll be mild.
Guest: Andy Walden

Taking the Temperature as the Market Cools Off with Real Estate One's Dan Elsea

Real estate is literally in Dan Elsea's DNA. The third generation co-owner, with brother Stuart, of Michigan's Real Estate One has weathered the inevitable market cycles just like his father and grandfather before him. 
Guest: Dan Elsea

Industry Alert: Black Knight's Andy Walden Offers Insight on Spiking Interest Rates

It's been almost three decades since the real estate industry has seen an interest rate spike like we've experienced in the past 90 days.
Guest: Andy Walden

The Road Ahead in Real Estate: What Our Expert is Hearing and How to Prepare

Linda Grahovec welcomes FNF Executive VP & Division Manager Rob Wineman to share his impressions of the past, what reports tell us about the year ahead, and resources he relies on. 
Guest: Rob Wineman

Industry Alert: MBA Regulatory Compliance Report (Part 2)

Regulators are focusing on the real estate and mortgage industries as they attempt to level the playing field and make home ownership more inclusive. 
Guest Chuck Cain



Industry Alert: MBA Regulatory Compliance Report (Part 1)

In Part 1, FNF's Senior Vice President of National Agency  Chuck Cain reports how lenders will handle the ongoing COVID crisis and racial justice reforms.
Guest: Chuck Cain

Checking In With Chuck: No Summer Slowdown!

In this episode, FNF's Chuck Cain shares a market update.
Guest: Chuck Cain

After 2020, What Could Possibly Impact Real Estate? We Ask FNF's Rob Wineman...

Nobody could've predicted what would happen in 2020, and even if they did nobody would've believed them!
Guest: Rob Wineman

The Political Outlook for the Real Estate Industry with RESPRO's Ken Trepeta

Regardless of the political outcome, change is the one constant in the real estate industry.
Guest: Ken Trepeta

FNF's Chuck Cain: A Reprieve for Lenders, $11B Ellie, and What a Strange, Record-Setting Trip It's Been!

Just when we settled into a new normal and August staycations, the CFPB shocked the mortgage industry, then thankfully came to it's senses.
Guest: Chuck Cain

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