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Consumer Complaints


7. Consumer Complaints

Adopt and maintain written procedures for resolving consumer complaints.

Purpose: A process for receiving and addressing Consumer complaints helps to ensure reported instances of poor service or non-compliance do not go undiscovered or unresolved.

What This Means From a Customer's Viewpoint

"If I need to complain about the services provided, you'll take care of it."

FNF Agency Staff and Resources

Establishing processes and procedures for handling customer complaints is essential, but it can be difficult to know where to get started. Your Agency Representative can help you identify where to begin and share with you sample intake forms, the resolution process template and annual logs. Below is a General Procedure that can be utilized for your office.

All employees need to be sensitive to the idea that consumers may make a complaint in a variety of ways, including phone calls, voice mail, email, web portal, or regular mail. If you see or hear something that looks or sounds like a complaint, fill out the Complaint Intake Form. Attach a copy of the email printout or letter or notes from the voice mail to the Complaint Intake Form.

If the complaint cannot be immediately resolved, deliver the Complaint Intake Form to an established Complaint Coordinator as soon as possible, but in no event later than at the end of the day. The Complaint Coordinator maintains the Complaint Log and will either handle the resolution of the complaint directly or ask the (Owner) or (Manager) to resolve the complaint.

The Complaint Coordinator should investigate to determine the validity of the complaint, any mitigating factors, and the best solution. The determination of the best solution may involve others in the office. The customer should be contacted by the end of the second business day to acknowledge receipt of the complaint and update the customer with the status.

The goal will be to resolve the complaint within 3 business days, but if not able to be resolved by then, to provide the customer with regular updates on what is happening and when a result is expected.

For more information on how we can help you establish the necessary processes related to this Best Practice contact your local FNF Agency Manager or Representative.

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